Heimlich Knüller
Heimlich Knüller is one of the few
dj’s from Berlin you can call a highquality
constant for years.
As grandmaster of festivals, tireless
treasure hunter & pearl diver,
connaisseur of music, prince of
track selection, sun dancer and
herald of mirth his reputation
precedes him: Whether as resident dj
at Kater Blau, Sisyphos, Salon zur
wilden Renate, Rummelsbucht or
even at festivals like Fusion, Melt!
or Garbicz: His excessive sets can only be
described as „total enlightment“
and everybody who didn’t listen to
him yet missed something really
essential: Music from the bottom of
the heart for your body and mind!
By the way Heimlich Knüller is
also one of the one hundred most
beautiful DJs at all, active member
of Bachstelzen, Freudentaumel and
Feines Tier collectives.